
Press: Korea Productivity Center Holds Global Conference Celebrating 60th Anniversary

Matthew Le Merle, chairman of Fifth Era, gave a keynote speech about the changes in the productivity paradigm and future challenges. Matthew book introduces some of the most devastating innovations in companies such as Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. "Korea is also investing in companies and individuals with innovative capabilities in terms of strategy, organizational culture and leadership. It's time to strengthen support. "

Press: The Hindu - Indian Entrepreneurialism

“The world is transitioning from the Industrial Era that we have grown up in, into the Fifth Era of digital and biotechnology disruption and change. Most people are not sure how to participate,” says Matthew C Le Merle, a Silicon Valley insider, Managing Partner of Keiretsu Capital, an affiliate of the US-headquartered global angel investor network Keiretsu Forum. Matthew and another Silicon Valley insider Alison Davis in their book Build your fortune in the Fifth Era: How to prosper in an age of unprecedented innovation, say the wealth being built in the transition to the Fifth Era is being captured in the early stages of business formation. Entrepreneurs are changing the world and angels perch on their shoulders.